Information about the relationship between Great Many and the medical practices
For services rendered in-studio, Great Many, Inc. provides administrative and management services to independent, physician-owned and operated, medical practices. Great Many licenses the “Great Many” brand name to GM Wellness Services, P.A. and Bleecker Street Medical Services P.C., and other affiliated medical practices, that use Great Many’s business support services. Each Great Many-branded practice is owned and operated by a licensed physician. There is no single provider of medical care called “Great Many”. For services accessed via telehealth, such services are provided solely and entirely by Beluga Health, P.A., an independent, physician-owned and operated medical practice. Each medical practice engages a network of United States based clinicians who provide clinical services. Great Many does not provide medical advice or care, own or operate the medical practices, employ or in any way supervise the clinicians providing medical care, and control over the care provided is the sole responsibility of the independent medical practices and the clinicians they employ. Services and practices may vary across clinicians, and patients should contact the clinicians at GM Wellness Services P.A., Bleecker Street Medical Services, P.C., or Beluga Health, P.A. directly, as applicable, for all questions concerning their medical care.